Enrolment & Payment
at Sudbury School, co. Cork, Ireland
Applications will be open from December 2023 !
Can I apply?
We look forward to receiving your application if you can answer ‘yes’ to these questions:
Have you checked if places are still available for your language? We have a limit of twelve students with any one mother tongue, with the aim of encouraging everyone to speak English.
Are you in Class 7-12 (age 13-17)? This is our usual age range. If you are younger than 14, please email before applying.
Do you have a basic level of English? Can you talk about your family, your school, your home town ...? We can not accept complete beginners–sorry!
Are you committed to speaking English when you are in Ireland? We want all of you to improve your English. Therefore, you will be expected to speak English during lessons, trips & activities, in your host family and during our camp weekend. If it becomes evident that a student is not willing to do so, consequences may follow (in rare but severe cases this may result in children being send home on their own costs).
Are you happy to accept our rules & behaviour guidelines? Check the Rules & Behaviour Guidelines.
How do I apply for the course?
Please read all the information on the website as well as the Application Procedure and follow the stages described.
You can download the Application Procedure SLS 2024 and Notes to help you filling in the forms here.
Stage 1
Check that there are spaces for people speaking your language here (*Note 1)
Download and complete the Enrolment Form SLS 2024 (*Note 2)
Download and fill in the Parental Consent Form SLS 2024 (*Note 2)
First, send the signed Enrolment Form and Parental Consent Form along with a copy of your passport (which you will be using when travelling to Cork) by email to jacqueline.buehler@livelearnlanguage.com. This is very important as the forms may not be received if sent directly by post and we might be unable to process your application.
Places for each language will be allocated in the order we receive the forms. We will send you an email to say you have a place reserved and a Financial Agreement which forms part of the further application process (or an email to say there are no places left for your language group). Please see below how to secure your place.
Stage 2
Complete and send the Financial Agreement (which must be signed by a parent or guardian).
Along with an up-to-date portrait photo via email to jacqueline.buehler@livelearnlanguage.com.
Then, please transfer the full fees within one month of receiving the Financial Agreement to secure your place.
Stage 3
You will get a letter of confirmation with a receipt for the fees once we have received your payment as well as all completed application documents via email (completed Enrolment Form and Parental Consent Form, the Financial Agreement, a copy of your passport and an up-to-date portrait photo). Please ensure that the Enrolment Form is signed by you and all documents are signed by a parent or guardian.
Stage 4
Please also send all application forms (completed and signed Enrolment Form, Parental Consent Form, Financial Agreement, a copy of your passport, you will be traveling with, and 2 up-to-date passport-sized photos) by post. The relevant address will be provided.
It is important that we receive all your original application documents latest by the end of June so that you can join all activities and participate in the programme. I am working offsite 10 months of the year and will only be present onsite shortly before, during and after the Summer Language School. Please use the Checklist of documents to send via post to ensure you send all necessary documents via post. I will only be able to check whether your original application documents have arrived via post in July, so please make sure you send them and thoroughly check if they are complete and signed (*Note 3). I will get in contact if we have not received your application documents via post by the end of June.
What’s next?
More information about the course programme and your host family will be sent about 4 weeks before the start of the course.
Once your place is confirmed, please book your travel and remember to send your travel details to me so that we can inform your host families about arrival and departure times and location jacqueline.buehler@livelearnlanguage.com.
How can I pay for the course?
Payment can be made by the following methods (please also see Application Procedure SLS 2024 & Costs & Payment Details):
Via bank transfer (you must ensure that all costs are payable by the sender and please keep a copy of the receipt in case of any problems with the payment arriving). Our bank details are in the Financial Agreement you receive when you send an application.
By MoneyGram (see www.moneygram.com to find sending points near you). This works in a similar way to Western Union. Please email for details if you would like to pay this way.
If you wish to pay by another method, such as TransferWise or similar websites, please email for advice.
Live & Learn Language Ireland is following and underlying the West Cork Sudbury School's policies.
© Copyright 2019 - 2023 | Live & Learn Language Ltd | All Rights Reserved | Company no. | Held at West Cork Sudbury School | Charities Regulatory Authority (CRA) 20206027 | Coomhola, Coomhola Bridge, Co. Cork, Ireland | Registered as an Independent School with Tusla