SLS Rules & Behaviour Guidelines
You can download Rules & Behaviour Guidelines here.
SLS Rules & South Devon Steiner School Rules
Students on the Summer Language School are expected to follow the SLS Rules and South Devon Steiner School Rules while at the school and on organised trips and activities. These are the same rules that apply for English students at the South Devon Steiner School during term time. The South Devon Steiner School Behaviour Policies can be found on this school website. Click here.
no smoking,
no alcohol,
no drugs,
no iPhones, iPods or MP3 players etc. or other electronic devices during the school day or on outings etc.
no mobile phones are allowed to be used on the school grounds (even during break time). If you have a mobile for the journey to school, this should be switched off and will be collected during the hours you are in school.
These rules apply to all students and teachers, and form part of the Student Agreement on the Enrolment Form. Any mobile phones or electronic equipment, that hasn’t been handed in and is found to be used during the day, will be taken by the teachers or the SLS director, and will be returned at the end of the day.
British Licensing & Smoking Laws
In Britain it is forbidden by law to sell alcohol to people under the age of 18. You can enter a pub (bar) if you are between 14-18 (if the bar manager allows this), but not to consume alcohol, only to play pub games and drink non-alcoholic drinks. It is also illegal for young people under 18 to buy cigarettes or tobacco. Since 2007 it has also been illegal (for anyone) to smoke in a public place (this includes all public transport, cafés, shops etc.). Our school is a totally smoke-free zone, and this includes the grounds. Most of our host families are also non-smokers, so if students smoke, they may be asked to do so outside. Anyone who appears to be under 25 will be asked for identification if they try to buy either alcohol or cigarettes.
PLEASE NOTE: If a student is involved in drunkenness, illegal drugs, shoplifting or other inappropriate behaviour, the SLS director will be informed immediately. Serious misconduct of a student may lead to an immediate return home (in such cases there will be no refund and fares will be charged to the student’s own family). Such occurrences have luckily been extremely rare.
Terms & Conditions
We, Live & Learn Language Ltd., reserve the rights to make changes to course arrangements without liability. Live & Learn Language Ltd. reserves the right to refuse to accept a student.
No confirming documentation will be issued until we receive the course fees in full. Students will not be permitted to start the course unless full payment has been received.
Parents or guardians must inform Live & Learn Language Ltd. in writing of any cancellations. Students who withdraw from the course will only receive a refund if we are able to fill their place again.
We reserve the right to terminate without notice the course of any student for persistent misconduct in classes, during activities or in their accommodation. There is no refund of fees to students whose courses are terminated in this way. Additional travel costs must be paid for by the student’s own family.
Live & Learn Language Policies
We are currently updating out policies. More will follow shortly.